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Historic Treaty Four medal returns

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Compiled by Shari Narine







A long-lost Treaty Four medal, one of 21 original medals presented to each chief who entered into treaty on Sept. 15, 1874, was returned to Treaty Four territory.  The medal was in a private collection held by the late Robert D.W. Band and consigned for sale with Jeffrey Hoare Auctions on Sept. 20, 2014. After learning about the sale of the Treaty Four medal, Paula Acoose and her husband Ray McCallum decided to use their personal funds to purchase the medal for the people of Treaty Four. They flew to the auction in London, Ont., and acquired the medal for $40,000 (plus a 15 per cent fee), competing against four other bidders. “On behalf of the Treaty Four First Nations, we express our deep gratitude to everyone who played a role in assisting Treaty Four in bringing the medal home,” said Treaty 4 spokesperson Chief Lynn Acoose. “Understanding the historical and spiritual significance of the medal, Wendy Hoare, from Jeffrey Hoare Auctions offered to personally deliver the medal to Treaty Four territory.” Treaty Four Elders, leadership and membership met the medal at the Regina Airport Sept. 29 and conducted a reclamation ceremony.