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Encourage creativity in young people

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Denis Okanee-Angus, Sage Columnist







Page 5

Things have really changed since I was a kid. I was just marveling at this today. The kids today have many options that I did not have as a kid. I don't think it's any secret that I did not get very far in the education system.

As I laid here on the bed mostly staring at the ceiling, worrying about my column and what to write, I started out thinking about my daughter Kate.

All the time she draws pictures. Then she sticks them up all over the house, especially all over mom's and dad's bedroom. Most of the time, all the wall space within easy reach for a seven year old is plastered with her pictures. As I lay there staring, I started thinking about her pictures.

She draws balloons, rainbows and flowers. There's snowmen, hearts and pigs. She draws her mom. Every picture is full of bright colors. It's pretty clear she likes pink and turquoise. And knowing a few things about art myself, well, I think she's pretty darned good at it. Most of all her pictures are happy, colorful pictures. It's pretty easy to see she's content and happy about life.

Earlier today I was over at the school. One of the high school classes was doing carvings in soap stone. I was pretty pleased to see the kids have the opportunity to do this art work. I was also really impressed with how good their carvings were. It is really important for the children to get to express themselves.

All my life I remember doing art. The first art contest I won as a kid I drew superman and then glued my class picture on for a face. That really made me laugh when I thought about it.

Art is a way that people can keep themselves healthy. It's a good way to express yourself. I am happy to see art in the school here at Thunderchild. I think we could be doing more to encourage Aboriginal artists and bringing art programs into the school. It's important that we should show the younger generations that they have many opportunities. Even though I think things have changed a lot since I was a kid and that we are making progress (yes, time for a little celebration this month), I still think we need to remember to encourage the kids about all the different kinds of good choices they can make.

I was once told that Louis Riel said: "My people will sleep for 100 years. When they awake, it will be the artists who give them back their spirits."

This I believe.