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More participation from First Nations in resource-sharing is the aim of the
Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations (FSIN), as the organization works on a unified declaration and strategy on consultation and accommodation with the
support of the province's Tribal, Agency, and Grand Councils.
"The outcome of this work will be to bring certainty and predictability to land use and resource sharing, strengthen investor confidence, and lead to economic sustainability for the benefit of all," stated FSIN Vice Chief Delbert Wapass in a news release.
"This win-win strategy will be the beginning of a new relationship based on
reconciliation and a better future, creating opportunities for all the people of
The efforts of FSIN resulted after Premier Brad Wall recently commented on resource-sharing, that it may be impossible to get unanimous consent from Aboriginal groups on the government's duty to consult and
accommodate on development projects.
Last December, the government released a
Draft First Nation and Métis Consultation Policy Framework. Two months later,
the Chief's-in-Assembly passed Resolution #1627 rejecting the draft policy.
The resolution further directed the FSIN to work with and support Tribal, Agency, and Grand Councils, treaty organizations and independent First Nations to develop a unified declaration and strategy on consultation, accommodation and resource revenue sharing.
The FSIN representing 74 Saskatchewan First Nations is committed to honouring the spirit and intent of the Treaties, and to the promotion, protection and implementation of the Treaty promises that were made more than a century ago.