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Compensation delayed

Article Origin


Sage Staff







Page 2

A number of survivors who expect to receive money through the compensation plan announced in November 2005 are concerned about delays in the application process, and those 65 and over who were to have their payments fast-tracked are wondering where their money is, according to a communique released by the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations (FSIN). The document was prepared by the FSIN to let survivors know what is happening with the compensation process.

"The election of a Conservative government will likely delay the implementation of the residential school agreement," the communique stated.

The change in government has also meant a delay in the release of the application form for early payment for seniors, and the FSIN hasn't received any indication of when those forms will be available. When the forms are received, the FSIN will distribute them to band offices, tribal councils and friendship centres and make them available through FSIN offices in Regina, Saskatoon and Fort Qu'Appelle.