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College provides reading material for resource centre

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Compiled by Shari Narine







College provides reading material for resource centre

(From left) Yorkton Family Resource Centre representative Kim Gelowitz and Parkland College’s essential skills regional facilitator Kim Kyle-Zwirsky, along with students Lucille Lerat, Cynthia Shingoose and Jackie Gambler, look on as Delphine Shingoose displayed the contents of one of the book bags. The book bags project originated as an assignment in the college’s Workplace Essential Skills program. Students were assigned a social project in which they identified a need in the community and tried to address it. Since reading and literacy are vital to all Essential Skills programs, the students chose to put together the book bags. They created four book bags for children under three years of age, four for ages 4 to 7, and another four for ages 7 and up.
(Photo: Parkland College)