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Youth need positive role models

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Gil Lerat, Raven's Eye Columnist, VANCOUVER







Page 5

This month's column will look at adolescents and why they choose to drink and use drugs. The teenage years are undoubtedly the most confusing time in our lives. There are so many inner struggles that one faces as one leaves childhood and begins to enter the adult world. It is difficult for many reasons. Teenagers are given contradicting feedback throughout this stage of human development. They are too young to be adult, yet they are too old to be children. They strive to be treated like adults, yet most don't want the accountability that comes with being an adult. The most important part of life for an adolescent is to feel accepted. Most teens look for acceptance through their peer group, even more so when the teen's homelife is unsatisfactory.

So, why do adolescents choose to drink and use drugs? There are many factors when considering this question. First, our society is very drug and alcohol oriented. Every day through advertisements and television commercials we see the message that there is a chemical to fix anything, from headaches to allergies to arthritis, etc.

Second, adolescents relate to a drug-using subculture. Through peer pressure, and many teen idols such as rock, movie stars use drugs. In modern pop/heavy metal/rock music, lyrics are often slanted toward drug use. Also, many children learn at home. Their parents are alcohol/drug users and they are brought up to believe that alcohol and drugs are a normal part of life. Some parents and teenagers drink and use together.

Third, we cannot argue with statistics that genetic influence is a factor. There is a high rate of chemical dependency among adolescents that can't be explained by other factors.

May the Creator be with you.