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Queen Irene reigns at gathering

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Cheryl Petten, Raven's Eye Writer, CAMPBELL RIVER







Page 9

When BC Elders Gathering Queen Irene Wydeness hands over her crown to her successor at the end of this year, it will bring an end to her reign, but not to her busy schedule.

Wydeness began her reign as queen following last year's gathering in Kamloops.

"We went to Kamloops, and we put our bid in to have the gathering in Campbell River. There were other cities that put their bids in, and Campbell River won their bid, and so we had to elect a queen for the Elders gathering, and the Elders elected me as the queen. It's quite an honor," Wydeness said.

As queen, Wydeness said, she and Elders Gathering king Bill Blaney preside over the gathering.

"You're head of all the gathering, and we sit on the stage as king and queen, and we lead the march in, and do our queenly and kingly duties," Wydeness said.

"I think it's really important for the Elders," Wydeness said of the annual gathering. "A lot of them don't get out that often . . . they look forward to the Elders gathering, because it's like friends meeting friends," Wydeness said.

It's really nice that we have the backing of the mayor and all the different people that are non-Native. And we do have a lot of support from them, which is really great, because I know I've been to gatherings where there wasn't any support. So this is really great," she said.

Although this is Wydeness' first experience being BC Elders Gathering Queen, it is certainly not her first experience with the gathering itself.

"I've been following it for about four years, and I really enjoy it. I've met so many different people from all over and . . . it's just really nice to get together with all these Elders and just to know where they're from and just sit and talk to them. I really enjoy it," Wydeness said. "It's going to be quite a big event, especially for Campbell River."