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Judge Steven Point has been named as one of the University College of the Fraser Valley's first two honorary degree recipients.
First elected chief of the Skowkale band at the age of 23, he has worked to advance the cause of treaty rights. At the same time, he has worked to promote understanding and harmony between people of the Sto:lo Nation and the many thousands of newcomers who have settled in their traditional territory.
"The only way to eliminate animosity is to eliminate fear. When I would give talks, and let the non-First Nations people know what really happened historically, what happened to my people, they were less afraid and less angry. The fear was replaced by a sense of bonding, and the beginnings of a forum for a communications. This will help us become a true community, defined by bonds instead of barriers."
Both Point and his wife Gwen studied at UCFV before transferring to UBC, where he attended law school. Gwen was later on UCFV's board of governors. His brother Mark completed some of his teacher training at UCFV. And his daughter Christine and son-in-law Tyrone have been studying at the university college for five years, while his grandson Tyrone Junior attended UCFV's childcare centre. Christine is graduating this year as the first student of First Nations descent to earn a Bachelor of Science degree at UCFV, and cites her father as inspiration.