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Gitxsan Hereditary Chiefs are concerned about a draft agreement

Article Origin


Compiled by Debora Steel







Gitxsan Hereditary Chiefs are concerned about a draft agreement
in principle between the province of BC and the Kitselas First Nation. The offer contains land that is part of Gitxsan traditional territory, they say. And it’s being done without proper consultation or accommodation of the affected Simgiigyet (chiefs). “We are quite surprised and shocked to see our lands are part of this offer, considering the Gitxsan have legally enforceable title,” said Simoogit Ska˝an (Anita Davis). “Under the circumstances, any trespass will not be tolerated as the province cannot ignore the law.” In the 2002 Yal et al decision in the Supreme Court of BC it was found the Gitxsan had a strong claim of rights and a good claim of title, a press release read. The Gitxsan practice an effective land tenure system over their 33,000 sq km of territory which has been in place for thousands of years. The title of the lands rests with the wilp (houses) of the Gitxsan Nation. On the other hand, the band`s jurisdiction rests on the reserves which were created around 1938. “Clearly, the Gitxsan strength of claim is better than that of Band Councils. Indian Act bands do not have any land tenure off reserve and the province does not have constitutional authority to offer land belonging to the Gitxsan,” said Gwaans (Bev Clifton Percival). “We have asked provincial and federal negotiators at our table for information but have gotten no response yet.”