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The Council of Yukon First Nations (CYFN)
in Canada are looking for more say over the approval of mining projects in the region. Grand Chief Ruth Massie said the CYFN will not sign off on the current review of the Yukon Environmental and Socio-Economic Assessment Act unless First Nations are made full partners in the process. “What we are basically seeking as First Nations is equal participation in the decision making process of the YESA Act. Presently it goes to the YESA Board, the approvals go to the Yukon government minister bypassing Yukon First Nations, although we are asked to comment on all of the projects, which has been very, very overwhelming for the Yukon First Nations.”
The applications are piling up and more dollars are needed to help with the process of dealing with them. “Tr’ondek First Nation in Dawson City has been absolutely overwhelmed with the applications coming in their door,” said Massie. “I know it’s well over a couple of hundred applications. And when you have one staff member trying to review and give adequate responses to the application, it’s very, very time consuming.”