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Moose Hide Campaign gets great response

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Compiled by Robin Wilson, CFWE News







It’s been a few months since the Moosehide Campaign was launched in Alberta and people seem to be really behind the initiative.
The idea is to get Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal men wearing a swatch of moosehide to show they value the women in their lives.
Merle White is the Executive Director of the Canadian Native Friendship Centre and President of the Alberta chapter and says it doesn’t matter what the campaign is, as long as it gets people with the same intentions talking.
 “In the long run the more people addressing it or speaking out, it’s going to get out there. Each community is going to be different however the message has to be the same. I think whatever campaign you put out there, the message is going to be the same. It has to be recognized and drawn attention to.”
The Moosehide and Red Dress Campaigns are the most recent efforts to draw attention to missing and murdered Aboriginal women.
Moosehide focuses more on prevention of violence in the first place… for more information head to moosehidecampaign.ca or visit your local native friendship centre.