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Greater role for First Nations needed in new child welfare system

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Compiled by Shari Narine







The Advocate for Children and Youth 2012 annual report emphasizes the need for greater inclusion of First Nations in designing, implementing and monitoring the new child welfare system. “We share the concerns of the Advocate for Children and Youth as raised in their recent annual report; particularly, that we must collectively do better for First Nations children and youth in Saskatchewan as well as for all children and youth in this province,” said Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations Vice Chief Dutch Lerat in a news release. “Why wait another day to make those investments that will see the system responsive to the children that are using it. The moment to act is now. If we had acted collectively 20 years ago, we would be seeing the returns on those investments today with fewer health and social issues facing our children, youth and families, less pressures on health, social and justice systems in the province, and ultimately, a healthier and wealthier province overall.”